Welcome to the GUSRC Media Pack 2024-25, your comprehensive guide to the exceptional marketing opportunities available with GUSRC - Glasgow University Students’ Representative Council. With an outreach to over 35,000 students at the University of Glasgow and thousands more across the city, we provide opportunities for external companies to connect with this influential and dynamic student audience.
The University of Glasgow is one of Europe’s oldest and largest Universities, based in the affluent West End of Glasgow; its students form an integral part of this community. GUSRC serves as a trusted advertising portal to this student community ensuring maximum targeted exposure. Advertising with GUSRC makes sense: in 2023 over 100 companies advertised with us; from insurance agencies to pizzerias, from nightclubs to graduate recruiters. See a few of our previous clients and partners on page 4 of the pack.
We look forward to working with you.

For all advertising enquiries, please contact our Marketing Team:
Email: marketing@src.gla.ac.uk
Martha Barr - Marketing & Events Coordinator
Jamie Small - Marketing & Communications Lead
Glasgow University SRC
McIntyre Building
University Avenue
Glasgow G12 8QQ