- Emergency Accommodation Support from the University
- Nightstop
- Hostels in Glasgow
- Hotels in Glasgow
- Glasgow City Council
- Other Information
Emergency Accommodation Support from the University
If it’s an emergency and you need a room for the night, or you are facing homelessness within the next few days, the University may be able to offer you short-term emergency accommodation.
You should follow the process below to apply for emergency accommodation from the University:
Within normal University working hours (Monday to Friday between 9am - 4pm)
You should contact the SRC Advice Centre staff to discuss your situation.
Our advisers can speak with the Accommodation Services Team on your behalf to arrange emergency accommodation.
Outwith normal working hours
You should make contact with University Security by either going to the Gatehouse at the Main Gate or calling them on 0141 330 4444.
Security will then arrange emergency accommodation for that night and liaise with Emergency Accommodation Team on longer-term emergency accommodation support.
Nightstop provides free emergency accommodation for young people aged 16-25 who are facing a night on the streets or sleeping in an unsafe place.
Phone: 0141 418 6990
Alternatively, the following are alternative options for short-terms accommodation:
Hostels in Glasgow
Hostelling Scotland operates a youth hostel in Glasgow:
Glasgow Youth Hostel
8 Park Terrace
G3 6BY
Phone:+ 44 (0) 141 332 3004
Other hostel booking sites are available online and can be searched by typing ‘Glasgow, Scotland’ in the search box at
Hotels in Glasgow
There are over 100 hotels in Glasgow, some of which offer "budget rates" for rooms. We are unable to recommend any particular product or service but have included a link to the Google search results for "low cost hotels in Glasgow" here.
Glasgow City Council
You can also contact the Local Authority who may have a duty to help you but be aware that access to temporary accommodation for homeless people is very limited: Glasgow City Council Homelessness pages
Other information
For more information about emergency accommodation please see the Shelter Scotland website.
None of the emergency accommodation is free, so if you have no money at all, you may need to try and access the Discretionary Fund, Financial Support Fund or a Crisis Loan from Financial Aid, or speak with the SRC Advice Centre for further advice.
If it is out of hours you can call the University Gatehouse Crisis Team on 0141 330 4444 and ask for help.
See also our information on Out of Hours and Emergency Help.