CV (Curriculum Vitae)
A good CV creates more of an impression than you might think.
While some employers will only be looking to see your level of experience and references, you can use the opportunity to highlight your skills and abilities. The CV they forced you to put together at school could probably do with a rewrite.
For guidance on how to write a good CV see The Careers Service and The Complete University Guide
Interview Skills
How you perform in an interview can make the difference in securing a job. You may have the skills and experience but you need to sell yourself to the recruiters. Preparation is key.
For help with preparing for an interview see The Careers Service, Target Jobs and UCAS
Careers Service
Even with the skills you can build in your degree or through other activities like student media or volunteering, it can still be difficult to know how to sell yourself to employers or even know what you want to do once you graduate. While you don’t need to decide right now, the Careers Service is able to advise you on how you can best use your time while you are it university to improve your employment prospects in later life.
The Careers Service runs workshops on learning to assess your skills, writing CVs and covering letters, preparing for interviews, online applications, psychometric tests and assessment centres. The Service is based in the Fraser Building, and you can arrange a meeting with a careers adviser to talk through your work prospects.
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