The SafeZone App
The SafeZone App is an app that is monitored 24 hours a day by the Campus Security team ensuring the safety and security of our students - whether it be on campus, at halls or anywhere in between.
The app can help with directions, if you need help in the event of an emergency or if you or someone around you require first aid.
To find out more, there is some information about how the app works and there is also a handy video about the app.
Download the free SafeZone app onto your phone.
Food crisis
Find a foodbank
Financial Crisis
In an emergency or disaster – Scottish Welfare Fund
Gas leak
0800 111 999 more information can be found via the National Grid
Electricity Power Cut
Contact your letting agent/landlord’s emergency number, or phone 105 to speak to your local electricity network operator
See our page on emergency accommodation.
Also Shelter Scotland’s advice on homelessness.
Medical or dental issues or emergencies
In an emergency call 999, or the nearest accident & emergency to the University is the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, 1345 Govan Road, Glasgow, G51 4TF
NHS service directory
If you are registered with a local GP Practice, call your practice. Your call will be transferred to their out of hours GP service.
If you are registered with a dentist, you should call their practice first. If they do not provide an out of hours service you should contact NHS 24.
NHS 24 helpline – call 111 free from mobile or landline.
Mental health issues or emergencies
In an emergency you can call 999, or the nearest accident & emergency to the University is the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, 1345 Govan Road, Glasgow, G51 4TF
NHS service directory
If you have an allocated Community Psychiatric Nurse or crisis contact, call them on the telephone number you have been given.
If you are registered with a local GP Practice call your practice. Your call will be transferred to their out of hours GP service.
Alternatively you can call NHS 24 on 111.
Breathing Space are a free, confidential, phone service for anyone in Scotland experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety. Call 0800 83 85 87 free from mobile or landline
Opening hours: Weekdays: Monday-Thursday 6pm to 2am / Weekend: Friday 6pm-Monday 6am
The Samaritans
Call 116 123 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) free from mobile or landline
Samaritans Glasgow branch details
Sexual Violence
Sexual Violence Support and Resources
Just need to talk to someone/upset/homesick
Contact the Warden or one of the Living Support Assistants if you live in University Halls.
The Samaritans – call 116 123 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) free from mobile or landline.
GUSRC Nightline is a confidential, non-judgemental information and listening service run by the SRC during term-time.
Student believed to be Missing
Contact the University’s Out of Hours Number 0141 330 4444
Student Crisis
University of Glasgow – MyGlasgow – MyGlasgow Staff – Emergency and crisis support (see link for examples of crisis situations). 0141 330 4444
Student Death
Contact the University’s Out of Hours Number 0141 330 4444
Concerns regarding the safety of a child/vulnerable adult
If you have concerns that the child or vulnerable adult is in immediate danger, please telephone the police on 999.
Otherwise to report your concerns to Glasgow City Council’s Child Protection Team or Adult Protection Team you can call Glasgow and Partners Emergency Social Work Services on 0300 343 1505.