
If you are experiencing issues accessing the My SRC app, we have put together a list of some common problems along with some easy solutions to try.  Please do ensure your app is updated to the latest version before trying any of these support steps! You can update your app by loading its page within the App Store or Google Play Store.

Do you have an account on the SRC website? 

The My SRC app is an extension of the SRC website, and as such, you will need an account on our website before you can access anything on the app. 

1). Create an account 

If you have not yet signed up to our website, please do so by visiting the log in page. Then (if you are a student), you can sign-up using your GUID and password by selecting the "University Student Login" option. Non-students and staff can use the guest or staff log in options

2). Sign in on app 

Once your website account is created, you will then be able to sign in on the app with your student details, or the details of your guest or staff account. 

Are you using an Android Device? 

Recently, we have been experiencing some issues with users using Android devices to sign in on our app. We have been assured that these issues have been fixed, however, if you’re on Android and still experiencing issues with accessing the My SRC app, please use the following steps: 

1). Request a Reset Link 

The first time you use the My SRC app, you will be greeted by a welcome screen asking for your student number or student email address. Once you have input this, a registration invitation email will be sent out to the email provided.  

However, If you have already registered an account through the SRC website, and have already downloaded the My SRC app, then you should be able to log into your account using your own personal 4-digit PIN, this would have been set-up the first time you used the app. If you have forgotten this then please click "I forgot my PIN". 

This will take you to a screen where you can put in your student e-mail address. A reset link will then be sent to this address. 


2). Receive email 

It may take a few minutes to come through, but you should receive an email saying you requested a password reset. If you do not receive this, please contact us via


3). Use the long code 

In the email, you will see a blue hyperlink, directing you back towards the My SRC app, it will say “click this link.” Please do not use this on Android devices. Instead, copy the alternative, long code provided in the email. It will be a long string of numbers and letters and will be beneath the blue hyperlink; it will look like this: “cc5fabdd-e0ae-4cf0-b37d-2dd3d90a2a39". 


4). Logging back into the app 

In the app screen, there should be a section saying "Already have a Code? Continue" or “I have a code” Please press here, paste the long code in and enter your phone number and reset a new PIN (or set up your PIN for the first time).  

If any of this does not work, please get in touch with us via


SSO Sign-in vs Guest Sign-in 

If you have first used a guest account to sign up to the SRC website and have then gone on to use your student details to access your account, this may technically count as two separate accounts and could cause issues when trying to log in to the app. Follow these steps to resolve this issue: 

1). Check which account you are on 

This can be accessed by clicking your name in the top right corner, whilst using the website, and clicking on "Contact Details".  

Once you have clicked this, you should see the email associated with the account you are currently using, this should be your student email account. 

2). Login to the correct account 

If the account you are signed into is not your student account, then sign out of it. Once you have done this then you can sign into your student account using the "University Student Login" Option. 

3). Contact Us 

If you have used your guest account to purchase memberships for clubs or societies, we will need to transfer across your memberships, in order to do this please contact our support email:


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