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Managing Your Club
In this section
Find a Club or Society
Start or Re-affiliate a Club or Society
Club Resources
Club FAQs
Club Handbook
Managing Your Club
Club or Society Election Guidance
How to apply for an SRC grant
Logging your club or society volunteering hours
Running your club or society
What is the role of a President?
What is the role of a Secretary?
What is the role of a Treasurer?
What is the role of a Vice-President?
What is the role of a Welfare Officer?
Events & Promotion
Safety & Wellbeing
Club News
Club Promotion
Club Training
Clubs & Socs Podcast Studio
How To Apply For A SRC Grant
Lending Library
Stalls and Room Bookings
Grant Funding
Club News
Club or Society Election Guidance
How to apply for an SRC grant
The SRC offers grants to affiliated societies to support their activities. Here is what you need to know in order to apply for a grant and how to claim it if you are successful.
Logging your club or society volunteering hours
Running your club or society
Here are some best practice hints on how to run your club or society.
What is the role of a President?
Hail to the chief. So what does a club president do anyway?
What is the role of a Secretary?
To be a secretary means organisation, time management and fun with membership lists.
What is the role of a Treasurer?
Being a society treasurer takes organisation, attention to detail, being a stickler for deadlines and keeping a tight hold on all those receipts.
What is the role of a Vice-President?
A good Vice President provides valuable assistance to their club’s President and fellow Office Bearers
What is the role of a Welfare Officer?