
The Performing Arts Society Showcase (PASS) is an annual welcome week event organised by STAG in which a selection of performing arts
society perform a short taster of what their society does.

Hosted by STAG's Social Convenor and Welfare Officer, this event is a chance for freshers to experience the depth and breadth of experiences
offered by the performing arts societies at the University of Glasgow.

Each society involved has a 10-15 minute slot to briefly introduce their society, showcase what they do and promote to freshers where more
information can be found about them on social media.

In previous years PASS has included contributions from Shakespeare Society, GSDC, The Alexandrian Society, Stand -up and Sketch Society,
Improv Teatime and DanceMania .

All attendees must follow the GUSRC Events Code of Conduct: https://www.glasgowunisrc.org/policies/events-conduct/