
This system allows for an extensive range of new features to help your Club or Society grow and prosper. This 1 hour training course will teach you all about these new features and how to make the most of them.

By completing the training, your page on the site will no longer simply be a point of information about your Club, but will become an interactive platform for you to:

  • manage memberships,
  • host and promote events, 
  • send out information to members,
  • write your own news blog,
  • add custom content such as videos and photos,
  • upload important documents such as your constitution, 

and have your own bespoke section on the SRC website for students to discover and interact with.

To take part, please sign up for a ticket. We will initially be running these sessions for 75 people and we would recommend that 2 of your senior officer bearers take part.

We look forward to telling you all about what the SRC website can offer!

If you have any questions in advance of the training please get in touch with us at events@src.gla.ac.uk

How to Join the Event

This is a digital event which will be a Zoom call you can join. This is how it works:

1) Book your free ticket via this page.

2) We will email you a ticket containing a link.

3) At the start time of the session, the link will go live. You just need to click on it and you will be taken straight to the call.


All attendees must follow the GUSRC Events Code of Conduct: https://www.glasgowunisrc.org/policies/events-conduct/ 

Please note that this training may be recorded - your will be notified if this is the case and given the opportunity to turn off your camera