
Did you take part in Veganuary this year? Looking to try a healthier diet? Or maybe you’re wondering how food is linked to the climate crisis? 

Join us at our coffee morning to learn more about veganism! Our President, Pablo, who is vegan will give a short talk about veganism and how it benefits your health, society and the planet. We will also provide resources for you to take home (including recipe cards!), so you can learn more about the subject in your own time and maybe, give veganism a try when you’re ready. 

Free, vegan snacks and hot beverages will be provided!  



Date: Wednesday 29th January 
Time: 10.30am - 12pm 
Location: EcoHub, Boyd Orr Building 

The EcoHub is a sustainable cafe, swap shop and event space on the ground floor of the Boyd Orr building. It’s run by the Glasgow University Environmental and Sustainability Team (GUEST), a team of students who promote sustainability on campus. You can learn more about the EcoHub here. 



The venue is wheelchair accessible with accessible toilets. An access guide is available via AccessAble. For specific access requirements, please contact events@src.gla.ac.uk.  


This event is open to all students at the University of Glasgow. All attendees must follow the GUSRC Events Code of Conduct: https://www.glasgowunisrc.org/policies/events-conduct/