


This will be the Third stage of the Men's 2024 trials for all the men that didn't make it onto the men team there is no need to worry as the development squad still offers a chance to play competetive tennis!

Location- Garscube Tennis Courts (details on buses down below)

              464 Bearsden Rd, Bearsden, Glasgow G61 1QH

Date- 29/09/2024

Time- 16:30-18:00

Tickets- No need to book tickets just turn up at 16:30  or as soon as you can!


You can either get the 15 from Caledon Lane (next to Tinderbox) which takes you to outside the courts

Alternatively the 17 runs past Murano and that drops you the other side of the sports complex which you would just have to walk through 

Further details can be found on the first bus website-  Greater Glasgow | First Bus

Aany other questions just shoot us a message 

Look forward to seeing you there