
SSP Students Glasgow are proud to host this meeting on the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Join us for an in depth discussion on the apartheid and ethnic cleansing faced by the Palestine people for over 75 years. 

As we approach the one year anniversary of the beginning of Israel’s genocide in Palestine, the death toll has become impossible to estimate and Gaza’s infrastructure has been totally decimated. The need for a united worldwide movement to help bring about an end to this war on the Palestinian people has never been greater. It is our belief that the best way to combat the twin evils of capitalism and imperialism that lead to war without end is for mass struggle and socialism.

The UK continues to supply Israel with weapons and machinery which is used to slaughter civilians in Palestine, with the Labour government and Prime Minister Kier Starmer refusing to end arms sales. Despite their claims to the contrary, the Scottish SNP Government has also failed to step up to the plate and oppose the genocide. Not only do they continue to subsidise the arms companies which facilitate the genocide, but they have legitimised the genocidal Israeli Government by organising meetings with their diplomats.

The SSP stands with the people of Palestine as we have done since our inception, and is proud to fly our flag for the Palestinian cause and do all we can to bring about an end to the current genocidal campaign, and call for peace, unity, and socialism in the Middle East.


Join us on Wednesday, 18th of September at 6pm (Boyd Orr Room 409): get educated, get organised!