New GUSA President




My name is Karl Kirkpatrick and I am the President of the Glasgow University Sports Association (GUSA) for 2024/25.


It is my job to ensure a strong representation of students in sport at the University of Glasgow, and I do this by being a voice for sport across all levels of the university and beyond. I am supported in this role by the GUSA Council which is made up of myself and 10 students, each with a different area of responsibility. We work in partnership with University of Glasgow Sport, who provide our amazing sports facilities on campus and at Garscube Sports Complex.


Whether you are new at the university or not, GUSA has lots to offer during Welcome Week. We have our Sports Fayre on Sunday 15th and Monday 16th September in Hunter Halls at the main campus, as well as the renowned GUSA Fight Night on Wednesday 18th September in the Glasgow University Union! Also, throughout the week our 51 sports clubs will be hosting taster sessions where you can try out the sport for free! Just click on the 'Sports Clubs' tab to find out more - we have everything you can think of, from athletics to yoga to rugby to shinty and much much more! During Welcome Week, you will no doubt see our GUSA Freshers' Helpers around campus - they will be wearing yellow t-shirts and are there to help you with anything you need, sporting related or otherwise!


Whether you have played sport for your whole life or you want to try out something new at university, GUSA offers performance, development, and recreational opportunities. Being involved in sport at university has so many benefits, not least physical, mental and social, so I really cannot recommend getting involved in GUSA enough.


I look forward to seeing many of you during Welcome Week, but otherwise my door is always open at 62 Oakfield Avenue or I can be contacted on

