Urban Bites 8: Heritage and Cities

Event report for the Urban Bites 8: "Heritage and Cities" event.

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Urban Bites 8: Heritage and Cities was held on Tuesday, 15th May 2024 in the Boyd Orr Building at the University of Glasgow.

Urban Bites Events are designed to be a short series of talks by invited speakers.  Each presenter has a 15 minute slot each, consisting of a 7 minute "lightning talk followed by 7 minutes of questions and answers.

Held to grow a better understanding of how we conserve and preserve heritage in growing cities whilst also tackling the challenges of climate change, poverty and housing demand.

Topics ranged from approaches to restoring and repurposing historic buildings, retrofitting tenemental buildings, navigating the planning system and reinvigorating historic town centres.

Presentations from the event can be found below:






