We play board games!
We are a casual society with one main aim - to have fun playing board games together!
Whether that's Catan or Cluedo, Carcassonne or Chameleon, we meet weekly in a pub or a uni room to spend time with friends and make new ones. If you've got a game left on a shelf in your flat that you've been meaning to play for ages, please feel free to bring it along - and we always have a selection of our own provided at meetings too.
Sometimes our events will be unstructured, with you free to play however you like, and sometimes we will have themed nights - Big Potato games, map-based games, word-based games, etc. Whatever the plan, come along and give it a try! Even if there's not something you're familiar with or think you fancy, we'll make sure to welcome you in and try to find a game you can get on board with.
Our membership will always be completely free, all we ask is that you come along and join in. Hope to see you soon :)