
At Glasgow University Mary’s Meals, we organise fundraisers and campaigns here on campus to support Mary’s Meals, the charity that’s providing a simple solution to world hunger.

Mary's Meals is a charity that provides over 2,000,000 children with a daily meal in a place of education in some of the poorest communities in the world. Not only does this ensure children are fed, but it also encourages them into the classroom, giving them an education and hope for a better life.

At the University of Glasgow, the Mary’s Meals Society meets regularly to organise fundraisers such as bake sales, glitter stalls, and our much-loved Burns Ceilidh. We also run campaigns throughout the year, including Porridge Week and Challenge Week, with all proceeds from all of our events supporting our sponsor school in Malawi.

Thank you for visiting our page! If you would like to get more involved, you can follow us on Instagram or Facebook to stay updated on when we hold our meetings and what events we have coming up!



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