The University of Glasgow Model United Nations is a society aimed towards all who are interested in international-style debate.
Weekly Wednesday debates in the style of the United Nations. Through role-play and discussion as world nations, delegates try to build a Resolution acceptable to all in order to rectify and amend certain situations. The society welcomes members of all abilities, ranging from the experienced delegate to the complete beginner, with the belief that anyone can debate.
As ScotMUN 2023’s best large delegation and Best Academic Society Nominee 2023, Glasmun prides itself on competing both nationally and internationally. With subsided fees for society members, we’ve been able to compete in Oxford, London, Edinburgh, and Madrid!
Glasmun 2025 is our very own conference in April which we host right here in the University! Members and other students get the opportunity to host, meet and debate students across the globe.
Not forgetting our eclectic mix of socials, we host international quizzes, sub & pub crawls, board game nights, special dinners and much more!
Join the fun @glasmun_society (society instagram) @glasgowmun (glasmun's conference instagram)