FemEng is a network aimed at empowering women in the School of Engineering at the University of Glasgow.
FemEng is a network linking together women in the School of Engineering of all years. We are the largest female society within the School and are engaged with creating opportunities for female/non-binary students to develop professional transferable skills, network with professional female engineers in industry and we aim to inspire the next generation to pursue a degree in the field in the future thorugh our vast outreach programme in collaboration with the GIC (Glasgow Improvement Challenge) and Glasgow City Council.
Throughout the year, FemEng provides a variety of different opportunities to its members. We organise discussion panels, social events, and networking events with inductry professionals and usually with a specific focus on how women help shape the engineering world today. We also run a mentoring programme which connects students, usually Year 2 and above, with a female mentor in industry to help guide them on their short and long term career goals. One of our most successful projects is our Outreach Programme, in collaboration with Glasgow City Cousil. In 2022-2023 session, we reached 46 schools in Glasgow and more than 1200 pupils with presentations and interative activities to introduce them to the world of engineering and its various disciplines. Our estimated reach this academic session is just over 50 schools and 1600 students. We are keen for our members to get involved to present workshops and talks to the pupils.
FemEng also successfully pioneered ‘FemEng in Rwanda’ (2016-2019), the University’s first student-led learning project in collaboration with the University of Rwanda. This initiative brought together women studying STEM subjects at both universities with the common goal of encouraging more high school girls in Rwanda to pursue further education in the field of STEM. This has lead to the introduction and planning of a future project ‘FemEng in Malawi’ which was launched in 2020 and aims to reach the same levels of success as the previous trips to Rwanda. In summer 2023, we had a team of 8 FemEng members do a 3-week workshop programme in Botswana with the same aim as for the Rwanda project.
To sign-up, please use the SRC website or visit us at any of our events. We post all event advertising on our social media, so make sure to follow us there! @gufemeng
If you would like to read more about us, please head over to our website: http://gufemeng.weebly.com/.