We are Glasgow University's Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer, Plus Students' Association or GULGBTQ+ for short!
GULGBTQ+ is Glasgow University’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer Plus Students’ Association. We are a social, campaigning, and welfare student organisation that supports and represents LGBTQ+ undergraduate and postgraduate students on campus!
During the teaching semester we have events every week: our main event (usually held on Wednesday) and our identity-based meetups throughout the week at 6pm. More information of these is always posted on our instagram, our website, and our weekly newsletter.
Our main events range from social events to information sessions. We also celebrate/commemorate key LGBTQ+ community dates throughout the year including Trans Day of Remembrance in November and LGBT History Month in February.
Our events currently are being held completely in person and with a majority on campus. We also have a very active GULGBTQ+ Discord server which you can find the link to here: https://discord.gg/uauASAkYF7
Membership is completely free, simply sign up here through the SRC or follow up newsletter.
Committee Members:
President: Bee Kapitany-Ellis
Vice President Secretary: Edie H.
Vice President Treasurer: Alex Jacquemot-Krupp
Welfare Officer: Sage Whiteside