GUSRC is delighted to present to you this, our fourth strategic plan.
Our previous plan covered the period 2015-2020 and we had envisaged issuing a refreshed plan in 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic then arrived and so we took the time during the course of the pandemic to consider carefully and consult widely on the content of this plan, given the huge changes in the environment for students at Glasgow and for the SRC itself. This plan covers a 5-year period from 2022 to 2027. It provides an overall framework for our development over this period, whilst recognising that we must approach our work in a flexible way to reflect the pace of change within the University, the student community and wider society.
The SRC is a democratic organisation, and it is important that the year-to-year priorities and focus are reflective of the aims of the elected Council members and the Executive team of student sabbatical officers. This Strategic Plan provides an overall structure within which the SRC operates, defining our Purpose, Mission and Vision and outlining the broad aims that we will follow over the next five years.
The plan reflects the SRC’s status as the only cross-campus representative body recognised as such by the University, and our unique ability to facilitate student-led services and opportunities for students, with strong organisational capabilities built up over time.
As well as what we do, it is important for an organisation like the SRC to consider how we do this and so we have taken the opportunity to revise and update our organisational values. These reflect a need for us to collaborate with the University and others – “collaborate where we can, challenge where we should” – and to reflect the growing consciousness within the student community around issues such as Equality, Diversity, Inclusion, and Environmental Sustainability.
We know that the coming five years will bring both challenges and opportunities for students and the SRC is committed to working alongside our diverse student community to address these challenges and exploit these opportunities.
- Rinna Väre, President 2022/23
- Bob Hay, Permanent Secretary
Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan 2022-2027 can be downloaded as a PDF: GUSRC Strategic Plan 2022-2027.