What is a home student?
A home student is anyone who commutes into University who may be living at home - so not living in Halls of Residence or a flat in the City.
Home Students’ Network: for students who live “at home” and commute to University including mature students living in their own homes: https://www.facebook.com/groups/srchomestudents/
Home Students are represented by the Home Students Officer.
If you’d like to find out more about support for home students at the University of Glasgow you can contact your VP Student Support at vp-support@src.gla.ac.uk.
Home Student Events
Home Student's Day - Friday 15th March 2024

On Friday 15th March the SRC are teaming up with the other student bodies (GUU, GUSA, QMU) to put on a day of fun activities aimed at those who might have had difficulties getting involved with campus life so far.
All events are free to attend and you can easily drop in and out if you can't make the full day! We want to make this as easy as possible for home students to check out between classes.