As the spring exam diet is already underway, the SRC Advice Centre have put together a list of Top Tips to help you prepare for both online and in-person exams. If you have any specific questions regarding exams or academic policy have look at our Academic Advice pages or get in touch:
Our advice is divided into 3 parts: General guidance, In-person Exams tips and Online exam advice.

1 - Prepare, prepare, prepare
Study and put in the same amount of effort that you would put in whether you are sitting an in-person or online exam. Work out what are the intended learning outcomes (ILOs) for the exam, don’t just plan to repeat everything you know, but select what is relevant and show critical thinking. Use past papers, take notes, draft answer plans, sit practice exams, read all course notes and contact your lecturers if you are unsure about anything.
SLD (Student Learning Development) have a large number of study skill guides so don’t forget have a look there if you're struggling. The SRC and clubs and societies on campus are also running Destress events which you can find a list of here.

2 - Avoid plagiarism
Whether you’re undertaking an in-person or online exam remember that you cannot just copy and paste text from a source into your exam script or use “close paraphrasing” as the rules on plagiarism still apply! Even if you are undertaking an “open book” exam online you still need to reference any text you use from sources. If you are struggling with referencing or are unsure on how to avoid plagiarism, then contact your lecturer or SLD (Student Learning Development).

3 - Unforeseen circumstances
If you are unwell or you experience unforeseen adverse circumstances, then you might be able to submit a Good Cause claim via your MyCampus within 5 working days of the affected assessment. If the claim is accepted, this has the potential to allow you to re-sit the exam uncapped at a later date (or for final years of study, where a resit is not possible, the work may be removed from GPA calculations).
Have a look at the FAQ page here for further info.

1 - Before the exam
The venue for any in-person exams you have will be included in the exam timetable published by the University’s Registry. Make sure you have familiarised yourself with this information before the date of your exams.
The campus room finder is also available to help you navigate buildings.
Each exam venue will be clearly signposted outside the door. This notice will include details of exam title(s), timings, and desk number allocations.

2 - Prohibited items in exams
Please avoid taking any prohibited items into your examinations. If you are caught with a prohibited item in an exam, – even if you had it with you by accident – it will result in a penalty which could cost you your degree.
When entering the hall, please check carefully to ensure you have no revision notes or other materials on your person or in your pockets. This includes any notes written on your body or other objects, such as pencil cases or dictionaries. If you have borrowed a dictionary from someone else or bought it second-hand it is your responsibility to check it and make sure it does not have any notes in it.
You are not permitted to keep any electronic devices on your person during examinations.
Electronic devices include:
Mobile phones
Smart watches
Music players
Calculators – if you are allowed to take a calculator to the exam, make sure your calculator is the permitted kind. Make sure there are no notes written on the calculator itself, and take it out of its calculator case before the exam.
Water Bottles — only clear plastic water bottles without any labels will be allowed into examination venues. Please ensure that you remove any labels from the bottles before you enter the examination hall.
3 - Nerves are normal
We understand for some of you that these may be your first 'proper' in person exams after the pandemic and it's okay to feel nervous.
If you are panicking about exams or re-sits and don’t think you have prepared properly, don’t suffer in silence. Speak to a member of staff on your course to see if there is any last minute help they can give you with tricky topics. Try and practise past exam questions if you can.
If you have a medical condition which is made worse by exam stress, then speak to your GP or counsellor and see if there is anything they can suggest to help you cope. Make sure you notify your Head of School if you have a medical problem affecting your exam performance.
If you are registered with the Disability Service, you should contact them if you have any concerns about your reasonable adjustments

1 - A quiet place
If you live with flatmates or family tell them in advance about your exam. Put a note up on your door so that you won’t be disturbed and if you need to use a shared area of your home such as the kitchen table then negotiate with your flatmates well in advance of your exam day about this. Also have everything around you that is needed for the exam, rather than having to go hunting for it during the exam.

2 - Timing is key
Your exam might be due over a 24 hour period or within a set time. Make sure you know the rules for each exam and follow these. The different types of online exam can be viewed here.

3 - The IT crowd
If you are worried about your laptop or internet connection before your online exam, contact your School or the SRC Advice Centre to find out what support is available. Your School should also have emailed you to say what to do if you have a problem during the exam. For example, this might be to contact a specific member of staff or the IT Helpdesk, so make sure you know who to contact if things go wrong. If anything does go wrong, make sure you make this contact during the exam’
If you experience any technical or IT issues during an online exam it is vital that you contact the University's IT Helpdesk to report this. Even if the IT Helpdesk are unable to assist or resolve the issue for you, if you decide to submit a Good Cause claim for the exam the fact that you have a record of contacting them could be vital evidence to support your claim.
Remember to leave yourself enough time at the end of the online exam to upload your exam submission. The University can be very strict on accepting any submissions that are received after the exam time has ended and you can refer to the University Online Exam and Late Submission Policy here.