Freya Dinning

Hi, my name is Freya Dinning and I’m a 3rd year Classics student. For the last two years I have been your School of Humanities rep. My main goal as Undergraduate Convenor for College of Arts and Humanities is to continue with the work I have been doing this year, addressing the lack of humanities specific study space on campus, and expanding my efforts to include creative and creative arts, critical studies, and modern languages and cultures as well. There are constantly new and improved buildings on Campus for the other colleges and it’s about time that Arts and Humanities were included!
I also want to continue the work of the previous convenor on changing the support and guidance for the mandatory year abroad that many students within the college of Arts and Humanities have struggled with.
I intend to continue representing the voice of the students within the College of Arts and Humanities, using the knowledge and experience I have gained from being on the SRC council to ensure that your thoughts, feedback and criticisms are discussed with staff, and that you are listened to!
Leo Wong

Hello, I am Leo. I hope to re-elect into SRC for the new role of UG convenor of Arts and Humanities. This role will provide more dynamic contacts on which I can work on specific academic matters.
What have I done in the past 4 months?
- As First Year Rep:
- contributed to winter exam de-stress 2024,
- completed training in preparation for panelling in university’s Periodic Subject Review (2025);
- Outside of SRC:
- serve in two society committees,
- initiate Peer Assisted Learning Scheme working with Student Learning Development in EngLit 1A and 1B,
- serve as class rep of French 1005 and EngLit 1B.
If I am elected, I will continue work of previous members to:
- Ensure organisational and financial support on Modern Languages’ mandatory year abroad is in place and resolve problems arose with Brexit,
- Enhance connections between academic societies and corresponding faculty.
I will continue upon my last manifesto to:
- Promote connections across year groups, as well as across schools, by societal and academic collaborations.
In addition, I will strive towards:
- Employability planning within schools,
- Consistent and constructive feedback for assignments,
- Potentially student mentorship programme for crucial skills development,
- Enhance physical and mental accessibilities.