GUSRC Autumn Election 2021 - Manifestos
You can find all of the candidates running for each position by selecting the position in the drop down menu below.
PG Convenor MVLS
Andrew Armstrong Enumah
Hello, I am Andrew Enumah, MPH student at the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences (MVLS), and I would be honoured to be your Postgraduate College Convenor.
Having the chance to represent postgraduate taught students at the University of Glasgow would be a privilege as I look forward to listening to your concerns and ensuring the academic and social welfare of every student in the college is effectively represented at the Students’representative council.
Networking - As a postgraduate student, networking is crucial to secure a place in the work market upon completion of our course. I will create more avenues where postgraduate students can interact with themselves, experts and professionals in the industry to establish new relationships, exchange ideas and even share their research.
Postgraduate Welfare - I'll work with the Societies and Clubs to promote PG access to extracurricular activities and campaigns,ensuring a work, life and study balance. I’ll also explore resources for supporting PG students with dependents
Postgraduate Education - I’ll improve access to digital and online academic resources. Co-operate with other course representatives to improve the academic experience for postgraduate students while encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration. I will make your needs my priority.
Annu Jojo
I am Annu Jojo (she/her) running for the position of PGT convener for MVLS. In my early years I had acquired various skills like speaking, networking, adaptability, teamwork, and organizing. I believe my past experiences in engaging with people within the campus and outside, will help me in becoming an ideal candidate. Upon being elected for this role, I shall help in creating transparency between the teachers and students, in building a balanced life. Being an international student, I want to stand as a support system for many to feel at home in Glasgow. I also intend to do this by interconnecting with the University’s other unions and societies, some of which I am already a part of, to help in creating a mentally healthy environment. I think by being part of your student body, I shall learn something new every day and hopefully will pass it onto my fellow peers. There is a lot that I yearn to acquire, changes I would love to make and I sincerely hope the Council shall give me various opportunities and in doing so, I shall dedicate myself fully to the needs of the University.
Joanna Wotjus
Hi! I’m Joanna and I have just started the final year of my PhD.
I have been a student representative for the Centre for Virus Research (CVR) for over 2 years now and a part of the MVLS PGR Student Representatives Council. During this time, I have worked as a bridge between students and the CVR management to better the lines of communication by running frequent drop-in sessions and fora. I’ve also aimed to improve the opportunities for the student community such as organising careers in industry workshops, which is even more crucial now during the ongoing pandemic. If elected, it will be my priority to make sure that issues and feedback raised by students are noted by MVLS and that we work together to solve them. I hope to be able to create opportunities for us all to socialise and improve options for career development for the next academic year.
I have learned so much during my time as a PhD student representative and I would like to take it further to help and support the student communities across the MVLS and for all students to have a voice in how the community is shaped.
Kris Abhiseck Beharee
Hello everybody,
My name is Kris, medical doctor and Master student in Public Health. I’m running for PG MVLS convenor.
First, I observed that the issues that both PGT and PGR students face are quite similar in many ways despite certain unique challenges. Regardless, if elected I aspire to build on my predecessors’ work, but also develop new ideas for the continuous improvement of our experience here. Some issues that have always been of great concern to me are mental health and violence in any forms.
Having wide experiences regarding leadership and management, I certainly believe I can contribute positively, especially in eliminating prejudices and addressing issues related to COVID-19 on our studies. I also aspire to help my peers develop leadership, communication, and other relevant skills to be stronger graduate and most importantly improve access to existing resources.
Lastly, I always had this belief that it takes more courage to be a good listener than standing up to speak continuously, therefore I promise to be a very attentive person and will try my very best to assist anyone and ensure a productive environment.
PG Convenor Science and Engineering
Arundhathi Pushpagaran
I’m Arundhathi Pushpagaran. I’m running for the position of Postgraduate College Convenor for the?College of Science and Engineering. I have had prior experience handling positions of responsibility and representation during my Undergraduate studies. Holding positions such as the Head of Public Relations of Indian Concrete Institute – CET Student Chapter and Co-ordinator of numerous Department and college level events, I was able to acquire certain skills required for this post like patience, persistence and determination to carry forth the responsibilities and see it to the end.
I am a friendly and easy-going person who loves meeting and connecting with people and it would be my honour to represent you. I’m not making any hollow promises, but I give you my word that I’ll do complete justice to the post, take the initiative whenever necessary, do everything within my capabilities to maintain a strong, positive network and solve every issues raised without fail.
Thank You for reading.
Diksha Choudhary
Diksha - imparting knowledge, I’m going to uphold this by standing up for people and manoeuvring them as is my duty. The pandemic hit harder on some people and it is difficult to cope up and some might not even be able to talk about it, but I’d always lend an ear and do my best to help. Being an Indian, I’ve seen my close ones suffer, therefore, I’ll stand tall as an ally with the underrepresented genders and LGBTQ community, especially of colour in our cohort and even otherwise. Scotland just became the first country to require LGBTQ history to be taught in schools and it would be an honour to contribute even a little bit to the cause. As a feminist, I want equal rights and voice for all. Harassment towards male is more common than we think but it wouldn’t go unheard anymore. This might not be an ideal manifesto where I talk about my leadership potential and say I’ll solve all your problems, be it academic/administrative, that is but obvious, but I’m here to change things. The capacity of my position might not bring a big change but it’ll be a ripple in the water.
Mufeed Patel
First of all I love Science very much and it’s my all time friend. Primarily my goal is to help and support the Science and Technology faculty as much as I can along with future student skill development and engagement with regard to their respective courses. Also I have a pretty good experience in organising and running a series of tech events for students to improve and apply their remarkable skills in individual and team based challenges. As a Science Convenor my intention would be to create more opportunities for other students to interact and obtain these experiences. My routine would involve speaking with students and their course reps, committee members, faculty, external companies and organisations to gather intelligence and generate strategies for student event engagement, invite various speakers to talk on a range of topics. Together we can realise an incredible amount of success by sharing and developing our skills. All students are equal in their opportunity to learn and be ambitious. I hope to serve you well and help you lead massive achievements in your ventures and academic careers. All I ask in return is to be hardworking and assist in making our university evermore prosperous. Thanks everyone!
School of Chemistry Rep
Grace Cleasby
Hi, I’m Grace (she/her) and I’m in 3rd year. I'd love to be your School of Chemistry Representative, helping you voice your opinions. I’m fairly involved with the SRC having been a chemistry class rep for two years, a fresher’s helper and recently joining the Raising and Giving committee. This experience gives me good insight into the role and will make me a useful tool for students as I have a good idea of how to get things done. As your rep, I'd like to grow the chemistry community, increasing Alchemist Society membership. I'd love to introduce chemistry families, giving the opportunity to receive advice from ‘parents’ and ‘siblings’ in different years and, the opportunity to have an irreplaceable support network (and fun socials)
I'd also like to:
- Set-up an anonymous suggestion platform for people to send concerns, as not everyone feels comfortable approaching people about potentially difficult situations.
- Find a solution to the lack of past-paper answers. E.g., setup study groups that staff and pupils attend to work through problems.
I’d love the chance to make a difference, helping you get the most out of your time in Glasgow. If you have any questions, please email me
Navneet Jhariya
Academic help
Ensure no students are disadvantaged by online classes and missed offline classes
Introduction to independent study space at all campuses 24 x 7
Additional Academic support to all students of school everywhere
Physical and Mental Health
Workshops on mental health and support for struggling first-years
"Wellbeing" and "Self-Care -Sunday GD"
Housing Assistance Supporting students with their housing issues to searching and shifting. Ensuring safety and commuting issues.
Finance & Employment
Promote and support for part-time jobs to students
Reduce time taken to reimburse expenses claims
Scholarships, bursaries and hardship funds, and improve advertising of this support
Safe Campus
Miscellaneous Support
Inter-school research and taught student meetings . Sports and extra-curricular activities extension. Excursion tours to nearby universities and possibly to other countries
School of Humanities Rep
Reece Paul
My name is Reece Paul, and I am a third year History student.
This year feels somewhat more normal than last, and I’m eager to continue this feeling to ensure everyone enjoys this year. Having worked as a freshers’ helper for the SRC, I have a good understanding of how SRC operates and the expectations that students have.
If elected I will:
Community: making our school feel more social and open is important to me as there seems to be a lack of community. I want students to walk (or Zoom lol) into classes feeling confident - I’ll combat this by organising socials (History trip to Hive?) and working with subject societies to ensure their events are promoted widely.
Student Support: I’m eager to bridge the gap between junior and senior students by arranging mentorship sessions where tips/experiences can be shared. I’ll also liaise with class reps regularly, allowing ideas to flourish/deal with issues efficiently.
Past Paper Availability: I feel strongly about addressing the lack of past papers for students, and I want to improve access to them as they are great exam revision aids.
I’ll listen and fight for you - VOTE REECE!
School of Law Rep
Miko Mojsiej
Hi, I’m Miko! I’m currently in the 3rd year of my Scots Law LLB and I hope that you will vote for me to be your School of Law Rep this year.
The last year and a half have been especially tough on people and because of this, my manifesto will focus largely on how I will support Law students coming out of the pandemic.
·I will campaign for?examinations to be held online
·I will campaign for?standardization between different classes. e.g. if you’re in your honours years your honours classes should?be taught to the same standard.
·I will campaign and lobby for a?more?fair and easily accessible good cause system
·I will try to make sure that students
(1)Know who their class rep and School rep are and
(2) Make sure students knowhow they can contact them.
In light of the recent Student housing crisis, I will make sure that I can point students to where they can get advice on housing issues.
So if you want a School rep that will always have your best interest at heart, Vote Miko !!!
First Year Representative
Isaac Gilbert
The central theme of the manifesto is community, due to the prominence of online learning, there is a natural deficit in social interaction and increase in isolation, and it is the role of the SRC to rebuild and reinforces the UofG community.
Ideas include:
Coffee and Chat hour, this would venue that would allow student to grab a coffee and chat to a friend or a stranger in designated locations on campus and or online.
Creating a community for 21–30-year-old mature student freshers.
Adding a central page on the SRC website to advertise all societies events.
Implementing notice boards in the James McCune Smith Learning Hub.
Increase involvement across societies to create an interdisciplinary community as part of team UofG.
I have also several ideas to be implemented for next year’s Freshers (Some of these may be out of the SRC’s hands):
Tony Anderson
My name is Tony, and I am a first-year politics student and I am standing as a candidate because I want to ensure that first year students have a voice and a platform to be a part of creating change at the University.
I am already aware of various issues, and I have been working on them and the students here deserve representation from those who won’t back down from challenges that arise. I am under no illusions it will be difficult with many issues first years have faced being ignored but I will always represent your views to those at the highest level.
I will also be transparent, approachable, and available and to do this I will.
My experience includes being elected to the Scottish Youth Parliament, Dundee Youth Council, and last year, the President of my college. With these experiences I have had to adapt my approaches with the pandemic affecting how the SRC was run. My adaptable approach has allowed me to use varying methods of gathering views, working with the University, and ensuring your voice is heard.
General Representative
Abdul Iqbal
I am a fourth year Mechanical Engineering undergraduate, passionate and enthusiastic to be running as a candidate for general representative position for this election campaign. My aim will be to work closely with the src team on the events and make it a priority as I feel that it is something that requires more attention to make the students journey outstanding by providing the atmosphere, skills and opportunities that will enable themselves to go on and become great leaders in the fields they want. My university experience at Glasgow has changed my life, allowing me to generally become a more positive person and take on leadership positions more frequently. Throughout my past years at university, I have been involved with many societies and clubs.I learned skills such as Effective coordination, teamwork, strategic thinking, and control of time.The ongoing and past events organised by the SRC has one thing in common, it promote equality, diversity and inclusivity in all aspects.
I will work further to help the SRC maintaining the quality they have been providing to the students for the past years.I will make sure that the impact of COVID-19 on student engagement with the university is minimised.
Arda Gyunesh
I believe communication is key in many things, andwithout it nothing ever works well, and thats why youshould choose me as i have a strong network in bothpostgraduate and undergraduate students and can be astrong link between them and the university.
I always treat everyone equally no matter what theirbackground or ethinicity, and i am kind and respectful ofothers, therefore if you select me you can be sure to have aresponsible representable and respected candidate
Due to persitant concerns of safety around campus andin the parks such as kelvingrove, i have decided to applyfor this role, as i want to take action on the lack of safetyat night for students. I want to make sure that no studenthas to think twice before walking home at night, or has toleave early for safety reasons.
To a safer and more sincere university.
Ellie Wood
My name is Ellie and I am running for the position of general representative for this year’s council. I was a freshers helper in September and sit on the current RAG committee. Both of these positions have helped me to build strong relationships with people in the SRC and on council. I have an excellent knowledge of how the SRC operates, which gives me a firm grounding to support students and staff effectively in this role.
I want to:
Push for the JMS building to install more sockets, as currently there is not an adequate number for students bringing devices in.
Make SRC training mandatory for clubs and societies. This will allow the SRC to provide proper support and give society members access to important training, such as “Mind Your Mate.”
- Provide support to first year students who have been put in halls outside of Glasgow, and make sure they have the resources to access student life here.
- Push for greater transparency from the University surrounding investment and decision making on environmental issues.
As a general representative, I will ensure that the needs of all students are represented, and work to continue the ongoing success of the Student Representative Council.
Fraser Innes
I, like many others, had a far-from-ideal time last year. But through speaking to those in the university I have found out that the support systems I needed were always there but just weren’t clearly available. As a member of the SRC I would endeavour to expand both the provision of support available through the university and also crucially expand the accessibility of this support. The SRC should play a key role in helping students work through what is sure to be another far from normal year and working to help the University support teaching in the most efficient and safe ways possible.
While I support many of the grand progressive ideals bounded around this sort of election and would back them if given the opportunity, if elected I would look to focus the limited resource SRC on more easily attainable goals rather than to risk achieving nothing running against the brick walls of the university establishment.
I ask that you please rank me highly on the ballot and I will endeavour to do all I can to improve student life at Glasgow.
Keshav Jhawar
It gives me immense happiness to be endowed with the opportunity to apply as a General Representative for the SRC. I have always aspired to be in the position of responsibility where I can connect with congenial humans, gain wisdom and utilize my existing skills and knowledge. I strive to be productive in every aspect of my life, to learn in every moment of existence and to create value for the people around me. This trait was evident since my school days when I used to stand for every election as a Captain, House President and Class representative.
This was followed by a 3 year long journey as a member of my College’s Student Union. Such experiences have enhanced my cognitive capacity, and have helped me function in different areas of requirements. If selected for this prestigious position, I aim to continue with the same level of efficacy and make it my conscious purpose to be a resourceful individual for the SRC.Without sounding cliche, I would like to end my manifesto with this classic adage, “A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms.”
Lewis Trundle
Hello everyone! My name is Lewis, I'm a 3rd year Computing Science student, and I would love to be your new General Representative for the SRC.Having been an SRC fresher's helper and joining the RAG society as the new Charities and Campaigns Officer, I have gained valuable insight into the work and services that the SRC provide. As we enter this new year with new opportunities, I hope to be able to help create a better, more welcoming atmosphere, for all students at the University.
My goals for this year are:
- Develop social opportunities for home studentswho feel isolated from the University and encourage further out-reach from them to help support their integration back into the student life.
- Create an open, safe-space for those with any form of worry or struggle by providing greater promotion of the SRC advice centre and by inviting students to give more feedback about how we can improve.
- Promote student engagement by encouraging participation in societies and events ran within the University and increasing the physical and digital access to the services that the SRC provide.
A vote for Lew-is a vote for you!
Pak Su
Hello! I’m Pak, I’m from Macau, and currently in my second year of Medicine. I am running for General Representative and if elected, I plan to focus on Mental Health and International Representation.
Mental Health:
After a year of isolation, it will be hard for some students to return to campus and maintain a good balance between studying and socialising. I aim to:
International Representation:
Our university has students from over 140 countries around the world! This simply makes it the best place to showcase and to learn more about different cultures! I’d like to introduce:
International day: an event allowing societies/individuals to set up stalls on campus to show-off different cultures, through traditional food, games, and celebrations!
SRC fresher’s helper & team leader
1st year medicine representative?
Class representative (4 years)
Founder of secondary school’s robotics team
Vote for PAK :D
Qijia (Vivian) Zhang
This is Qijia Zhang, I am very pleased to be called as Vivian.
I am a brave, warm-hearted, and upright person. I spent four years in New Zealand and finished my bachelor degree there. During my study in NZ, I was elected as a class representative for both economics and finance classes. As a role of a class rep, I was like a bridge which connected students and lecturers, to help students with their academic issue, reflect their problems to departments, to discuss and give suggestions.
In my new journey in UofG, I hope I can be a member of SRC so that I can continue to volunteer to help students. As an international student, I also want to make an effort to help international students when they study in a new country, to let the voice to be heard.
I have enough confidence to be a general representative. I will perform my duties well and put my efforts together with other SRC members to make UofG environment more enjoyable.
Rita McGonigle
Hi, my name is Rita, and I am a third-year politics student running for the role of general representative. I am running for the position as I have always had a passion for politics, and I want to use this to be able to improve student welfare for all. Some of my main objectives are women’s safety, increasing accessibility to information and support, and the psychological impact of the ongoing pandemic on students. I would like to improve upon the accessibility of student support both on and off-campus, this is especially important for students who have not been able to find accommodation due to the housing shortage as a by-product of COVID-19 or are now living further away. Many students, including myself, have felt a slight detachment from university life since the pandemic and I would like to start some new support groups/ clubs to ensure everyone feels included and valued as a student. Many students do not know where to turn to when they need support, if it be peers or faculty, and this is something I would like to change.
Ross Whip
Hi! I’m Ross, and I’m a third-year accountancy student. After helping during a successful Welcome Week, I would like to do more to help improve students’ experience at the university. I am running for General Representative to achieve this, and aim to achieve the following:
Improve Home Student Experience – as a former home student, I know first-hand the additional challenges home students face at university. I believe that more could be done to help home students adjust to university life – if elected, I will campaign to ensure home students are provided with tailored information before starting at the university, and aim to provide more social opportunities for home students.
Improve signposting – after over 18 months of off-campus learning, many students won’t have experienced in-person classes and may not fully know their way around campus. To combat this, I would push for clearer signposting on campus, especially outside the main building, so that students can find their way to classes more easily.
Thank you for reading my manifesto, and I hope you will consider voting for me on Thursday 14th October! For a committed representative who is passionate about improving your university experience, vote Ross Whip for General Representative!
Sreejitha Sreekumar
Who am I?
I am Sreejitha Sreekumar, MiM student at UoG and I am contesting for the post of General Representative(SRC)
What do I have for you!
Access - Here at UoG I feel that the most basic yet the most important duty that I should fulfill is to ensure that everyone is able to express their opinions and views on the council decisions and that all your needs are addressed. I will make sure that students stay informed on all the decisions, and being a fresher I can promise an impartial involvement in the university matters.
Mental Health - A major thing that I aim is to work towards ensuring a happy campus in and out! Nothing is more important than having a genuine smile on your face even when you are working hard for your big fat goal!
My previous experiences being a part of the college union during my undergrad and volunteering in many activities is what I hope will help me deliver upon these aims. I will be honored to be your representative for the coming year and I’ll put my shoulder to the wheel to make sure that you don’t regret your choice!