Emma Murray

Hi, I’m Emma (she/her) and I’m a second year history student hoping to become your school of humanities representative!
For many of us this is our first ever year of fully in person teaching and while its great to have everyone on campus, I know it has come with challenges and anxiety for many people. As your school rep I would work closely with class reps to listen to your concerns and bring them to the faculty. For example, getting uniform Moodle pages across the school and establishing better communication between staff and students. Also, as many of us weren’t on campus much last year I’d like to organise some school socials to build a better sense of community.
I’m already involved on campus, I was a SRC freshers helper this year and I’m also a campaigns coordinator in the amnesty society, so I have knowledge of how the SRC works and how to get students engaged. Furthermore, I was a member of the Scottish Youth Parliament where I was on the education committee, so I have experience in representing the voices of students!
Vote for Emma to ensure your voice is heard in the school of humanities!