Isaac Gilbert

My name is Isaac Gilbert, and I am running for Mathematics and Statistics School Representative. I am a second year Mathematics student, and I was both a SRC first year Representative and Class Representative for Mathematics last year.
My main goal is to create a more accountable and transparent department where students can voice their concerns and clearly see the impact of this on the department. I want to revise how students can communicate issues to their class representative, for example, being able to flag a post in the anonymous forum.
I would push for course heads to give written feedback to end of year surveys, outlining what will change, what will stay the same, and reasons why. I would also have published notes about what is discussed at Teacher-Student liaison meetings and any outcomes that are reached as a result.
I would try get guidelines on communicating disruptions in the course, for example if a lecturer was ill or on strike, stating what would replace it, if it will affect the exam content, etc. Finally, I would like to create an accessible resource containing information of all commitments and promises that the school has made to their students.
Jordan Baillie

I am Jordan Baillie, a 4th-year Mathematics student. I was elected as the Class Representative for Mathematics last year. This position allowed me to assist with any difficulties my classmates faced as they emerged into the `new normal’. Over the course of the year, I communicated my classmates' concerns to staff and addressed their needs. As we return to campus this year, I hope students will have a much more enjoyable experience of student life and fewer of the problems we faced throughout COVID.
I am standing for election as the School Representative as I would like to guarantee that students' views are heard and represented to the school and that suggestions for change are raised and acted upon. As a member of the SRC, I will ensure that all decisions made at meetings are to the benefit of the student body and that these decisions are communicated directly to you.
Through my capacity as Vice President of the Maclaurin Society and other roles working with the school, I believe I have the necessary experience to effectively represent your issues to the school and assure you that I will make myself readily available to support you throughout the academic year.