Chaitra Bodapunti
Hello ! I’m Chaitra, I’m a second-year finance student contesting for gen rep. I have been a small part of the SRC during my first year. I was a class rep for first-year finance students. After my first year, I wanted to again get involved with the SRC. I was a fresher’s helper during welcome week 2022. During the welcome week, I briefly understood how the SRC operates. I was inspired by a lot of individuals on the council and would like to be involved.
My Main Objectives are:
- Ensure that the transition from online to in-person exams is done as smoothly as possible. Would encourage the university to provide all the necessary support and information beforehand.
- Better promotion of the SRC Advice centre across the campus
- ensure all the new international students are aware of the housing crisis and help them with all the documents required as an international student trying to get a flat.
- I would like to encourage every school to host an event where Uofg alumni can talk about the job market and provide current students with the necessary steps that must be taken to clear interviews, study abroad, certifications etc.
Jaimin Desai
Having been the head of the Paparazzi Team for 2 Years, I have seen my undergraduate life from an eye piece. Now it's time that I come in front of the lens & make a change in the real world. I have a basic theory of FUNTICALITY = FUN + PRACTICALITY, where I along with my team SRC would be working on providing US all the possible resources we need to excel in our fields. But when it comes to Fun, I will make sure we have a LOT OF TRIPS to go on, enough PAINTBALL & GO-KARTING SESSIONS, & enough PARTIES I will work on making SRC the GO-TO DESTINATION for all of our happy & sad times. You all are always welcome to talk to me in case of any issues, as I will be OUR VOICE AS ONE. At last, I believe I will meet you all in the upcoming days.
SRC is:
Of The Students,
For The Students,
By The Students.
Theo Frater
Hi there, I’m Theo - a third year business/politics student, and I am running for SRC General
Previously quite apathetic about student politics, I’ve been involved since about February
and decided to run for the SRC after having my opinion changed by freshers helping.
As a General Representative I will:
- Speak out against the University’s pattern of going back on promises, acting greedily and refusing to communicate, and speak in favour of those affected by the continuing resultant crises such as the accommodation crisis.
- Promote student representation to reduce student apathy through student outreach across campuses will hold regular surgeries, be responsive by email and social media, and also use these means to educate constituents on my and the SRC’s work.
- Ensure issues affecting home students and those affected by the COVID years are raised which as a former home student and a 2020 starter I understand on a personal level.
- Highlight issues with campus facilities and security, such as the taxis scheme’sirregularity and the lack of a functioning water boiler and a microwave in the library.
Miko Mojsiej
What I’ll do:
- Work on supporting students through the cost-of-living crisis, fighting for an expansion of the financial aid offered by the University.
- Campaign for sustainable growth, the University should only enrol students if they can reasonably accommodate them, including the reinstation of the first year University accommodation guarantee.
- Work with the Environmental Officer to ensure the implementation of the Green New deal and citizen assemblies.
- Work with the Mental Health Equality officer to ensure that the standard of care provided by the University is much higher, so students receive the support they deserve.
About Me:
- I have spent a year on the SRC council as the School of Law rep. during which I advocated for student welfare and academic fairness. I have a track record of fighting for students, this included the refurb of the law library and the law school keeping online exams last year.
- I have experience in reforming workplace structure and culture such as changing the reporting behaviour framework both in my paid work and as President of the Criminal Law Society.
- I have experience in campaigning, I spent 2 years campaigning for immigrant rights in the UK.
Vote for Fairness, vote Miko :)