Xindi Peng

Hi, my name is Xindi Peng, currently a second-year student of BSc Veterinary Biosciences.
In first year, I realized the importance of a student representative to deliver any opinion from students to university and improve the connection between main campus and Veterinary School. Our school has been lacking a representative, so I want to be the one who supports students in SBOHVM.
If elected, I will:
- Increase publicity and support of academic societies in our school.
- Guide new students through making informed decisions about their future degree paths.
- Come up with solutions and discussing with school on students’ behalf if any student encounters any difficulties or problems with assessments.
- Make sure any announcements about course details, assessment feedback and revision materials are uploaded within a reasonable time limit.
- Improve IT services and network help for students.
- Focus on student wellbeing and mental health. Contact professional staff and provide information about dealing with pressure.
- Respect diversity and rights. Accept and support ideas or complaints about personal development.
- Always be someone you can talk to and offer help as far as I can.
If you have any question, here is my student email:
Laura Thompson

Hi there, I’m Laura (she/her) and I would love to be your school representative! I study Marine and Freshwater Biology and although I love this course and being a life sciences student, there is always room for improvement, and I believe I am the right person to drive this.
This year there are three life sciences representatives and I’m very excited for the prospect of working within this group and hopefully drawing from my experience as a class representative last year. This, coupled with my work leading and participating in societies on campus, not only demonstrates my hardworking nature but has allowed me to understand the importance of including all students’ voices.
As well as promoting further communication both between representatives themselves and the students they work for, if elected I would:
- Encourage the use of live captions in lectures, to allow accessibility for all
- Continue to encourage lecturers to record their lectures, particularly 9ams and 5pms which commuting students may struggle to attend
- Advocate for more zoology and marine biology related content on the first and second year biology courses (we deserve representation! :)
So, vote for a rep you can trust – vote Laura #1