Fern Girvan

Hi All,
I’m thrilled to run for the inaugural position of SRC School of Infection and Immunity Representative, a new post owing to the recent devolution of the School of Life Sciences into its various sub-schools.
As a 4th year integrated Masters (MSci) Immunology student, I have strongly advocated for students in my current position of MSci Cohort Representative and have sat in on several school-wide committee meetings supporting the best interests of students.
Some key experience
- 2022-23 MSci Cohort Representative – gathered the most comprehensive cohort feedback for the MSci programme to date + deputised for the current SoLS Representative in SoLS Portfolio Committee meetings
- 2022-23 Glasgow University Infection & Immunity Society Secretary/ 2021-22 L3 Representative – responsible for email communications and event organisation with GUIIS board members
- 2015-23 Healthcare Assistant – 7+ years’ experience in Health and Social Care, tirelessly advocating and caring for society’s most vulnerable people
A few commitments to you
- Improving the MSci Programme
- Improving blended learning + availability of lecture recordings
- Increasing social events + continuation of the Life Sciences Ball
If elected to this post, I’d be delighted to represent your best interests.
Kind wishes,
Email: 2483676G@student.gla.ac.uk