Elizabeth Barnett

I’m Elizabeth, entering my third year of MCB (with Biotechnology), and I’m running to be the Molecular Bioscience rep for the current academic year. For the last 2 years I have been on the commiEee and heavily involved with the G-gnomes society, the academic society for GeneHcs, Molecular and Cellular Biology, and Biochemistry.
Last year I was Vice President of the G-Gnomes, and this year I am the current President, so it is very likely you’ve met me at society events or have seen me running them! From being on commiEee, I have gained knowledge and skills needed to excel as a school rep – organizaHonal and Hme management skills needed to plan events and address issues in a Hmely manner and collaboraHon skills necessary for working on the commiEee team. AddiHonally, communicaHon skills needed at meeHngs with my fellow commiEee, to society members at events and about issues they would like voiced, and other members of the community for events.
I aim to ensure students in my degree groups can express thoughts, ideas, issues, and opinions through me. I would be thrilled to represent you this year and hope to make a posiHve impact on your university experience!