Jordan Hunter

A vote for me is a vote of no confidence in Anton Muscatelli. If elected, my first action will be to demand his resignation. The University has objectively only got worse over the last 5 years since I’ve been here and in that time the university’s community has suffered greatly under his leadership. The administration bungled bringing students back onto campus during the covid year despite warnings from authorities, they have lied and made false promises to students regarding the housing crisis, and more recently campus has been bursting past capacity with a genuine concern for health and safety. This election also under a period of another strike, which the university again fails to take a position in support of students and staff, instead laying the blame at the feet of other institutions. Yet, all of this still pales in comparison to the institutional shortcomings of protection from gender-based violence found in the KC Morag Ross inquiry, namely the long wait for cases to be resolved. These issues require real leadership and not the dereliction of duty seen under Anton Muscatelli.
While none of these issues are solely Muscatelli’s fault, he is the man responsible for the administration that works under him, and this pattern of abject failures lies squarely on his shoulders. He has failed to mitigate the damage of these problems, and his response often makes the situation worse. There can be no negotiation or reconciliation, the time for that has passed, he must go.
I will admit, voting for me will not force him to leave. The SRC, much less the Vice President of Education, does not have that authority. However, by voting for me you are sending a message and making noise. A principal and vice chancellor cannot operate if it loses the trust of students and the university community. By making it patently clear that Anton has lost our trust, we can put serious pressure on him to resign. If it is clear that students do not wish for Anton to continue, and he insists on doing so, the Glasgow University Court will be pressured into action. The University has paid him £1 million during his term as chancellor and vice president, and we have seen the university experience get objectively worse.
We need to let the University know that these continual failures will not be permitted, and that students desire real leadership in the face of challenges. We need to hold our leaders accountable, and it starts at the very top. Sir Anton Muscatelli must go.
Vote Jordan Hunter!
Ross Whip

Hi everyone! I’m Ross, and I’m running to be your next VP Education.
I’m currently part of the SRC as the Undergraduate College Convenor for Social Sciences, where I have worked closely with the current VP Education. This position has allowed me to be part of several college-level committees and gain an understanding of issues surrounding learning & teaching at the University. However, more importantly, it has allowed me to communicate directly with students and listen to the issues that affect you most. If elected, I will work tirelessly to help you have the best possible experience at the University!
- Fighting to ensure clearer, fairer assessment feedback for students. Delays in receiving feedback and the lack of depth in feedback comments are frequently highlighted as one of the biggest concerns for students. If elected, I would aim to ensure lecturers are required to clearly communicate feedback timelines for students, and to ensure that you receive valuable feedback that helps you to improve.
- Ensuring that clearer academic support is given to students by the University. Advising systems at the University differ hugely between colleges and are often complicated to navigate for new students. If elected, I would work with the VP Student Support to provide more clarity on the advising systems available for students, and how you can access academic and pastoral support within your college.
- Examining current dissertation processes throughout the University, in conjunction with academic representatives, to ensure that all students feel prepared and supported when undertaking the biggest project of their degree.
- Continuing the work of the SRC’s Cap Student Numbers Campaign to mitigate academic issues faced by students due to increased numbers. I would aim to ensure that the University respect the agreement made, and that they provide additional support for students impacted by the accommodation issues in Glasgow. For instance, I would want to increase the number of lectures recorded and made available on Moodle so that students aren’t disadvantaged by missing lectures due to travel issues.
- Working towards making assessments fairer for all students. The return to on-campus exams has left many of you concerned that assessments don’t allow you to demonstrate your abilities and knowledge. If elected, I will work to diversify the assessment calendar and make assessments a fairer reflection of your skills.
During my four years at University, I have:
- Represented student viewpoints in workshops held by national agencies;
- Led a collaborative project designed to improve assessment feedback in the College of Social Sciences;
- Sat on Periodic Subject Review panels and held student-focused feedback sessions;
- Been a team leader as part of the SRC’s Welcome Week;
- Been involved with numerous societies – including being on the Accounting Society’s board.
I want to improve your academic experience at the University so you can enjoy the best student life possible. Don’t be sorry for your Ross – vote Ross for VP Education!