Amie Macmillan

The climate emergency we are currently facing affects every being on the planet. The university, students and staff can do more to decrease our impact on the environment and help overcome this crisis. If elected, my main goals are the following:
- Creation of a moodle course to educate about the climate crisis, and what we can do individually to make a difference. Ensure this will be kept up to date and relevant.
- Establish a network of students and staff from the university (and ideally from other universities/colleges in the city) to promote campaigns and initiatives.
- Ensure the University meets its targets of divesting from fossil fuels by 2024 and carbon neutrality by 2030. They should be fully transparent about what they are doing to make this happen.
- Work with charities officer on campaigns to support those affected by natural disasters which are increasing in frequency because of climate change.
There is a lot of great work already being done, but it is not enough. There is always room for improvement, and we do not have time to waste to save the future we are studying for!
Charlotte Michel

Hi I’m Charlotte! I am a third-year student in International Relations and Sociology, and I´m running for Environmental Officer.
I have already been strongly involved in several environmental causes – such as volunteering at COP26 and taking part in a UN simulation based around Global Energy Politics. My passion for the environment has been sparked at a young age by my family’s sustainable lifestyle. Additionally, I have been a Team Leader during the SRC´s Welcome Week, and I am on the committees of GU UNICEF and GUWIP.
If elected, I would want to:
- Promote more opportunities for students to get involved in environmental causes. For example, GUEST do many amazing events on campus to promote sustainable causes, and I would want to provide additional support and raise more awareness of their work.
- Encourage more transparency surrounding waste management at the University. For example, I would want to provide more information about how all waste recycled on campus is treated to ensure students can hold management to account.
- Provide more support for societies to ensure they are sustainable. I would want to encourage societies to document what they have done to be environmentally friendly.
Vote Charlotte for Environmental Officer!