Omar Saleh

Heya I am Omar, a third year Astronomy and Physics student and I am re-running for my position as Race Equality Officer (REO). Over the past months I have worked alongside VPSS on an anti-racism workshop that is aimed to help educate students about instances on racism, and ways to tackle and avoid occurrences where something could come off as racist or offensive. So far, we have managed to secure funding as well as find an anti-racism agency to collaborate with. If re-elected I plan to:
- Deliver on the anti-racism workshop and introduce efforts to mandate this course to all students to be taken on a 2 year cycle.
- Ensuring the university continues to follow through on it’s anti-racism campaign by continuing to attend Race Equality working Group meetings and both discuss and communicate student feedback to the university’s senior management group.
- Work on De-colonising the curriculum with the Decolonisation of the Curricular Community of Practise Group: As REO, I have been asked for input from this group on issues within university syllabi. Over next year I hope to get more involved with this group and tackle curricular colonisation, in particular among STEM subjects.
Tianshu Wang

Hello! I'm graduate student Tianshu Wang and I'm hoping to be your next SRC Race Equality Officer!
If elected, my main responsibility will be to ensure that the best interests of students are at the heart of the University's decision making and I believe I am the right person to represent students' views on issues that matter to us. My job will be to promote trust between the SRC and the student body and to actively represent students' voices on racial equality.
Civilisation is colourful, equal and inclusive. There is no such thing as a perfect civilisation or a useless civilisation; there are no higher or lower civilisations, no better or worse. Each civilisation is rooted in its own soil of existence and brings together the wisdom and spiritual pursuit of a nation and a people.
I will take a number of initiatives to eliminate racial discrimination and to fight for international students to have an equal place on the world stage. If you would like to know more about my experiences and goals or would like to ask me any questions, please feel free to contact me, thank you!