Denver Correia

I am pleased to be running for the position of Widening Participation Officer, a newly established position within the SRC which I have overwhelmingly supported during my time on council. I’ve held a wealth of experience as the current Life Sciences Portfolio Representative, and I look forward to continuing the work I’ve been doing. I’ve not really got any pledges to make but I do promise to try to widen participation wherever possible, and hopefully, make a positive difference in student experience.
Amy Hutchison

Hello! My name is Amy, and I’m a second-year MEduc student. Through my work as a class representative in the SRC over the past two years, I have developed a passion for advocating for student voices, and I would like to continue ensuring students' voices are heard by being considered for this role. As part of this position as a Widening Participation (WP) Officer, I aim to:
1. Increase the number of scholarships available to WP students.
2. There is a clear link between financial difficulties and poor mental health, according to a study published in the Community Mental Health Journal. Therefore, I am eager to increase the Counselling Team's connectivity to WP students.
3. Create more opportunities for WP students to enhance their CVs by making professional development opportunities more accessible.
4. Campaign for free travel for WP students.
5. Support WP students with the costs attendant to joining clubs and societies.
Everyone deserves to have a successful education, and it is important to have someone to fight for this right.
Tia Shillito-Radicic

My name is Tia Shillito-Radicic and I’m an undergraduate Psychology Student. I am running for
the role of Widening Participation Officer.
As the Widening Participation Officer and a representative of the SRC I aim to ensure that:
- Voices and experiences of care-leavers, student carers, mature students, estranged students and those from low-income backgrounds are fairly represented and advocated for.
- Ensure positive changes, the development of services and the opening up of more opportunities for those within the university and those looking to apply.
- Any decisions made on behalf of the student body will be actioned with the best intentions and students will be informed of decisions made.
I intend to deliver these aims through my own experiences of being a care-leaver and estranged
student from a low-income background. Further experience includes; experience of working with
the London Children in Care Council, the London Borough of Havering Social Services and
various charities such as Basti Ram and Articulate who’s aims include advocating for young
people from such backgrounds.
I look forward to working in conjunction with the SRC and the rest of the student body in order to
provide needed support, changes, develop services and open up more opportunities.