Tony Anderson
Hello! I’m
Tony, I am a politics student, and I am standing for Mental Health Equality Officer because as someone who has experienced negative mental health, I want to ensure that mental health is at the forefront of discussions within the University and start to create change at UofG. I am aware that mental health support, information and resources is lacking, and the students deserve better. I can promise that I won’t back down. Mental health has been an issue for many years and has become more prominent since the pandemic.
As your Mental Health Equality Officer, I will -
- Hold Mental Health Forums for students (online and in-person)
- Ensure all club and society executives are given training to support their membership
- Give regular updates
- Tackle the stigma still surrounding mental health
- Hold the University to account
As someone currently on council, I am familiar with procedures and protocol and if elected I will get straight to work as soon as my term starts because many students are still suffering in silence and as your Mental Health Equality Officer, I will look at what we can do in the immediate period to support all students who need it.