Freya Dinning

Hi, my name is Freya Dinning and I’m a 2nd year Classics student. My main goal as School Representative for Humanities would be to address and resolve the long running issue with assessment feedback from Lecturers/Tutors. This problem is wide spread across the different humanities subjects, and I intend to work closely alongside the class reps to ensure students are receiving useful, informative feedback on their assessments – that will be helpful with future assessments as well.
I would also like to create more opportunities for students to receive more in person feedback and assistance from academic staff. I myself find it difficult to reach out to my tutors/lecturers when I need assistance, and have often sent emails that receive no reply. I intend to work with both class reps and lecturers to develop a more convenient and effective channel of communication between students and academic staff.
Also, I intend to work on creating more connections between the different schools, many schools already have their own societies – and I now that a few have done joint social nights – but I would like to help this grow even more during my time as school representative.