Cameron Hanna

Hello, I’m Cameron:
Law Workshop Reform
I will use the weight of my electoral support to call for the extension the opening times of the Law Workshop to match that of the JMS, and to reform the relatively unused Law Common Room and replace it with more seating, which the workshop is in dire need of around exams.
Honours Course Related Aid
I will ensure greater guidance for second years in selecting which honours courses they wish to take in third year, and will lobby for greater subsidies for hard-copy versions of honours course mandatory textbooks in third and fourth year.
Cooperation with the Law Society of Scotland
I worked for the Law Society of Northern Ireland during the summer, and the nation’s Law Societies distribute a lot of resources to students across the UK, and can provide speakers and summer jobs. I believe this is a resource that could be better taken advantage of.
Greater Awareness of Diplomatic Jobs and Opportunities
Law is a great avenue for careers in the Diplomatic sector, I believe more resources should be dedicated to bring awareness to this.
A greater explanation of my manifesto can be found in my campeign’s Instagram page. @Cameron4LawRep
Isabelle John

Hello! My name is Isabelle John, and I am running for the School of Law Representative position. Having held the Class Representative position in previous years as well as my tenure as the current School of Law Representative, I believe I have gained the relevant experience to be able to continue in this position as a competent candidate.
What I will do:
- Work with the relevant individuals to attempt to have a uniform standard of marking as it has been raised several times that there is a variance in the standard, leaving students quite confused as to what to expect. Furthermore, advocating for further feedback on assessments and exams to promote academic development.
- Work closely with the employability team to ensure there is clarity provided on the opportunities available for students.
- Work alongside the SRC to advocate for adequate space for lectures as well as trying to push for completely in-person lectures.
What I have done:
- Worked with the UG Convener to gather views on Assessment and Feedback.
- Increased effective communication between staff and students, especially level representatives, to ensure that issues were raised appropriately.
Thank you for reading my manifesto and feel free to contact me with any questions.