Khachonphat Leesahatsawat (Daniel)

Khachonphat leesahatsawat (Daniel) 2705048L
As a student representative, I will do everything in my power to reflect the opinions and issues of my fellow students. Not only education, I promise to make sure that our time at school is not only useful but also pleasurable for everyone. I will make sure that their complaints are heard and taken into account by the appropriate authorities.
I will collaborate with instructors to upgrade moodle so that all students can access the resources and the interface more easily. I'll see to it that the administration, professors, and student body are in constant communication with one another.
I'll hold the leadership and professors responsible for their choices and behaviour. They will be held accountable for any misconduct, and I will make sure that their decision-making is transparent.
I'll advocate for inclusivity and diversity on campus. I will fight for laws and initiatives that support equality and inclusion while opposing prejudice and discrimination.
I will support programmes like clubs, groups, and activities that provide a favourable and interesting learning environment. Increase the number of activities, game nights, and parties you host on campus so that you may unwind and enjoy yourself after a long day of studying.