Olivia Simon

Hi! I’m Olivia, a third year Theoretical Physics MSci student. I have been class representative for Physics for the past two years and am currently involved in a staff- student partnership project dedicated to diversifying assessment and feedback in Honours years. These roles have introduced me to various tools and channels available to student representatives that can facilitate the process of identifying, communicating, and acting on department-wide issues. Armed with this knowledge, I’d like to offer my services to the School of Physics and Astronomy with the promise do my utmost to help improve the quality of learning and teaching.
I aim to:
- Broaden communication channels between students and staff by introducing regular open feedback sessions with class heads where students can directly voice their concerns and receive updates on actions related to previous issues.
- Improve students’ experience in undergraduate labs, by liaising with welfare officers and lab heads to introduce more rigorous welfare training and marking guidance for lab demonstrators, to ensure that students are both treated and marked fairly.
- Reduce the anxiety tied to the requirement for advanced computational skills in Honours years by joining with teaching staff to implement more extensive Python modules in first and second year.