Temisan Atsegoh

Hi! I’m Temisan(she/her) and I’m running to be your next Gender Equality Officer!
I feel I am experienced in representing students on the council as I used to be First Year Representative, School of Engineering Representative, and Race Equality Officer. I am currently UG College Convenor of Science and Engineering. I have also been a class representative and a fresher’s helper.
Even though I value the services the SRC offers, I believe that many people are unaware of the resources available to them for support. Therefore my goals are to :
Increase awareness of the options, services, and assistance offered on campus, such as Nightline, and the Advice Centre. Ensuring that information about gender-related safety initiatives is available at all times and in all places on campus.
Work with the Race Equality and LGBTQ+ officers to allow more representation of everyone.
Hold frequent public gatherings where staff, students, clubs, and societies can voice their concerns about gender equality.
To collaborate and try to reach out to clubs and organisations that don't often participate in the IWW( International Women’s Week).
Valeria Palomar Conesa

Hi! My name is Valeria, and I am a third year Aeronautical Engineering student. I am running for the position of Gender Equality Officer. During this academic year I have been part of the committee of the Spanish Society as the Vice-President and at the Women’s Basketball Club as their Welfare Convenor. Nevertheless, I have been the Gender Equality Officer on Council, a very enriching opportunity where I have been able to familiarise with the work the university does for women, trans and non-binary people’s rights. There is a lot achieved but also a lot of things to still work on, that is the reason why I want to repeat the experience for the next academic year.
If elected I will:
- Work alongside the different equality groups to improve the clarity of where to turn to in case of an emergency.
- Cooperate with the rest of the members on Council, societies, and other unions to keep raising awareness on GBV.
- Keep an active dialogue with the STEM feminist societies to keep encouraging their further presence at open days.
- Aim to make the GBV Moodle module compulsory for the boards of the societies, sports clubs and class representatives.
Vote for Valeria!
Amy Skilling

Hi, I’m Amy (she/her), I’m a fourth year Spanish and Theology student. As Campaigns Coordinator of the Glasgow University Feminist Society, I’ve been able to channel my passion for gender equity and the rights of all genders into publicising the work that we do. With this in mind I think I’d make an excellent gender equality officer for the SRC, I’m compassionate and kind but willing to fight for gender equity, particularly for society’s most marginalised. I believe in gender equity, meaning that not only will I ensure everyone has the same opportunities regardless of gender, but that I will focus on the fairness of treatment according to every gender’s respective needs. Given current events around the politicisation of gender, I believe this role is more important than ever.
If elected I would:
- Work closely with other Equality Officers to target intersectional discrimination.
- Raise awareness of gender based violence and discrimination and provide information on how to tackle it.
- Work with the LGBTQ+ Officer to provide information on how to be a better ally to transgender, intersex, and non-binary students.
- Ensure that any gender related issue is dealt with in a way that supports students and prioritises their wellbeing.