Laura Thompson

Hi there, I’m Laura (she/her) and I would love to be re-elected as your school representative! I study Marine and Freshwater Biology and I love everything our school has to offer, but there is always room for improvement, and I believe I am the right person to continue to drive this.
If my election proves successful, I pledge to deliver 4 main promises:
- Advocate for the continued use of online exams and assessments where possible
- Continue to encourage the prompt recording and closed captioning of all lectures
- Secure more study spaces for life science students on campus
- Strengthen communication and interaction between the Garscube campus and the main campus
I already have a wealth of experience both in this role and as a class representative that I can draw upon to help the students I hope to represent, but I remain open minded and aware that there is always more I can learn! This experience, coupled with my work leading and participating in societies on campus has allowed me to understand the importance of including all students’ voices.
So, vote for a representative who believes in you and your school – vote Laura #1