Elizabeth Barnett

I’m Elizabeth, studying MCB (with Biotechnology), and I’m running to be re-elected as the Molecular Bioscience Representative!
For the last 2 years I have been on the committee and heavily involved with the G-gnomes society, the academic society for Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology, and Biochemistry, so it is very likely you’ve met me at society events or have seen me running them!
From being on committee, I have gained knowledge and skills required to excel as a school rep – organisational and time management skills needed to plan events and address issues in a timely manner and collaboration skills necessary for working on the committee team. Additionally, communication skills needed for student feedback, for meetings with my fellow committee and university employees, and for working on joint issues with my other Life Science School reps.
This year, I aim to continue the work I have done so far: give students a voice so they can express thoughts, ideas, issues, and opinions through me. For the future, I intend to increase communication with class reps, course coordinators, and Life Science school leads.
I would be thrilled to continue to represent you and make a positive impact on your university experience!
Asaya Parker

Hi everyone! I'm Asaya, one of your class reps for Genes, Molecules, and Cells. If you vote for me, I will push to:
- Enhance Academic Support – There are currently limited opportunities for students to seek academic guidance outside of normal teaching sessions and the Moodle forums. In light of this, I plan on advocating for the start of a peer assisted learning (PAL) initiative, where trained students can give coursework-related feedback and advice in office-hour like sessions.
- Improve Teaching Lab Sustainability – As students of the molecular biosciences, labs are an integral part of our learning experience. However, some students have expressed concern to me regarding the environmental impact of these labs. As such, I hope to collaborate with GUEST and teaching staff to investigate the sustainability of our teaching labs, and will report our findings back to students, closing the feedback loop.
- Increase Course Transparency – In addition, I will work with the future class reps to ensure general course expectations, along with assessment conditions and marking schemes are communicated clearly and with due notice.
Every vote counts, and I’d love to have yours! Looking forward to working and learning with you all through the next year :)