Tony Anderson

Hello, I’m Tony and I’m studying politics, and I’m running to become your next Vice President of Student Support on the SRC. Having served as your Mental Health Equality Officer this year and as First Year Representative the previous academic year I have seen and experienced some of the challenges faced by students, from academic issues to accommodation difficulties, this university has failed to support those students and as your Vice President of Student Support I aim to change this and the way the university looks at these challenges.
If I am elected to become your next vice president of student support, I will be aiming to -:
- Continue working with the Mature Students’ Association to ensure their voices remain heard. For too long mature students have been ignored by the university but the consultations in semester 1 and the work that the Mature Students’ Association has done has raised their profile and I will work with the association to ensure this continues.
- Ensure that Mental Health support is extended. Whilst some progress has taken place within mental health it is clear to see that the counselling and psychological services the lack of further, meaningful investment from the University is causing issues especially since the rise in student numbers over the pandemic.
- Work with the University on accommodation spaces and support available for students in them. With the university now securing more spaces in other PBSA’s (Purpose Built Student Accommodation) there is a question remaining on the support that will be available to these students. In UofG accommodation you have a Residence Life team will those housed in PBSA’s be given the same support or what will the university put in place?
- Continue to support the work on Gender Based Violence. The work by the VPSS and Gender Equality Officers from the previous two years have made real progress in working to tackle Gender Based Violence but we can not stop there. I will work with the Gender Equality Officer to ensure that the recommendations from the Ross Report are followed through, and meaningful action is made by the university.
- Work with the other student bodies on welfare issues and work collectively for the benefit of students. The welfare of students is something that all four student bodies can agree on and if elected I will work with them to make sure this remains the case and ensure that we do what we can to support students as elected representatives.
As your Vice President of Student Support, I will always fight in the corner of and with students on issues. I will always be fighting for you to always have support as and when you need it, I will always listen to what the students have to say and I will always act in your best interests and not those of the University.
On the 1st and 2nd of March please vote for the people you want to represent you!