Maia Piermattei

Hello! I’m Maia (she/her), a 3rd-year student of International Relations & Sociology, and I’m running as your next Mental Health Equality Officer.
As someone with a long history of eating disorders, I know how it feels to struggle with mental health at university, not knowing how to cope with it, or who to turn to. Being aware of the horrible legacy the pandemics has left us, discussing a stronger framework for support with the University is now more important than ever.
Here’s my objectives and how I aim to accomplish them:
- To make mental health a priority…
…by integrating the SRC Advice Centre with a specific area of advice for mental health assistance.
- To break the stigma surrounding mental health issues…
…by launching anti-stigma campaigns both online and on campus.
- To ensure that wellbeing standards are met within societies…
…by cooperating with other elected Welfare Officers to introduce a Welfare Position in every society, i.e. an SRC-trained committee member!
As this is a very delicate area specially close to my heart, I will make myself personally available to assist and direct anyone in need towards an appropriate support network.
Vote Maia for Mental Health Equality Officer!