The Postgraduate College Convenor for Science and Engineering position is currently vacant.
Job Description
The SRC recognises that Postgraduate students require dedicated representation on academic and social issues. A Postgraduate Convenor, therefore, represents the Postgraduate students of their college. In this way, their role is similar to that of a College Convenor, but their specialised knowledge of the Postgraduate community tailors them to a more specific group. Four Convenors are elected, one from each College: Science and Engineering, Medical Veterinary and Life Sciences, Arts, and Social Sciences. The responsibilities of a Postgraduate Representative can vary greatly, and they are an integral part of Council’s function. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
In addition to these responsibilities, Postgraduate Convenors are expected to attend all Student Council meetings and University Senate meetings and must occasionally represent the SRC on relevant University academic committees. Opportunities will also arise for election to various University committees and positions. The position of Postgraduate Representative is, therefore, challenging and rewarding in equal measure.
SRC Committees and Working Groups
The SRC may establish sub committees or working parties to consider certain areas of its work and sometimes consider policy motions. College Convenors may participate in the work of such committees and groups (and can suggest the establishment of new groups or committees).
University Committees
Council votes in autumn to elect members to sit on a variety of University committees, including Library Committee, Museums and Galleries Committee, Senate, Senate Disciplinary and Student Support Development Committee. Please contact the PA to the Permanent Secretary for a full list of committees.